Forgotten Voice

Forgotten Voice
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Spanish Rock band “Forgotten Voice” promise high energy and emotionally charged songs, and it's a promise that the band deliver on.

One of the nicest things about the band is that they are overwhelmingly positive, describing themselves as "a hard working and musically confident four-piece band that shots through with optimism everyday. Their songs capture the abandoned purpose and pure feelings of this crazy society."

The band
Most of the bands songs deal with subjects like making the world a better place, hope and happiness. It’s refreshing to see a band being so positive and trying to improve the world though music.

Taking a look at the songs, you can see what I mean.


"It is possible to believe in something better, to create a better world, it is possible to believe in miracles" 

'Believe' is a very strong melodic song with some pretty interesting sounds, particularly the news audio in the intro. The band has obviously worked very hard to give the song texture, it’s filled with small interludes, changes in temp and melody, making the song very interesting to listen to.

The band claims that this song is about a “shot of optimism for those who live the oppression in their day by day lives, those who cannot be their own just because they're too shy, those who made a wrong turn and cannot escape their past. This song's for those who need the strength to get a new chance and believe they're absolutely perfect.”

XYY is a song about picking up the pieces and moving on. While it isn’t as melodically strong as the other songs, it still works really well. The song also boasts an interesting guitar solo around the 2.15 mark, before going in to an ‘Evanescence’ style break. 

A very nice tune indeed.

Although Paralyzed has an intro like 80’s glam rock, the rest of the song a pretty great track. The song is about building and getting better, or as the band puts it “This one pretends to be a song of hope and encouragement, we're not paralyzed, we can change what it's wrong around us, we can be better every day, this world if full of opportunities.”

It’s the guitars that really work for this song. They seem to be driving the song with a constant thrashing.   

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