I'm not very good at knowing what to say about electronic music or remixes, but what I do know is that I have taken quite a liking to Italian musicians ContainR.
ContaineR officially started in 2007, but the journey taken for the two members, Alessio Magneta and Luca Sammartin, started seven years earlier in 2000. The pair started producing tunes separately, burning the tracks to CDs and giving them to each other for birthday gifts.
It wasn’t until many years later that the two of them finally worked together and produced the track "Nargo Sprout Goes Nuked". The 7 years that the two of them put in practicing before they got together paid off big time, because their first song sounded a little bit like this….
This is a brilliant example of tension and release. The great phaser noise at the beginning builds and adds an atmospheric tension before break around the one minute mark where we are pushed in to a much darker industrial sounding track.
And the hilariously titled "Turning Pineapples in to Ape Nipples".
ContaineR live
One of the things I like about ContaineR is they manage to push a degree of humour into their songs that you would not normally expect. They whimsically described their latest work as ‘a sound that is wobbly banghead and massively dreamy at the same time, and [will] push this attitude in and out of Italy ’.
Although I’m not sure what wobbly banghead and massively dreamy is supposed to sound like, it's probably referring to ContaineR’s latest tracks “A_r”...
And the hilariously titled "Turning Pineapples in to Ape Nipples".
What I like about ContaineR is that they manage to keep rooted to the codes and conventions of traditional electronica, with out being so esoteric that they would alienate people who aren't so much in to the genre. It's laid back and generally unoffensive to all musical tastes.
They are all good tracks and well produced but on the other hand can come across quite remedial and repetitive, which I think will lead to people not fully appreciating how complex the songs really are.
You can find all of ContainR's tracks at and look out for an album coming out later this year.
Let me know what you think of the band in the comment section below.
by Charlie Craven
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